Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mike Ann Zable's Bead Work



  1. This blog has been created to share my BJP. I am making 6X5 pelon peltex 70 squares which I will sew together as a wall hanging for my bead room when finished.
    This will be the story of our move from Alaska after 33 years, roaming deserts for 4 months, and searching for our last house. It has been unexpectantly a wonderous journey and living close to friends and family has opened up a fabulous new chapter in our lives. The best part was finding a house with an unrestricted western view of a fabulous valley here in the Mohave Desert.Sunsets are the highpoint of every day.

  2. This Blog is for displaying my 2008-2009 BJP.
    Many thanks to Robin for this opportunity. My year will show the changes in my life as we move from Alaska after 33 years to end up in the Mohave Desert in a new home.

  3. September BJP 2008 "Leaving Alaska"

    It happened all so fast. The house sold, hubby retired, we loaded a van, grabbed a few things like our 4 dogs, and our cockatiel "Giddy Bird" and drove away. It was like a tornado hit all that was familiar and we were on an unknown ride into our future. It was goodbye, hello, and away we go!

  4. After 33 years in Alaska my husband retired from the Alaska Railroad,we sold our house, liquidated worldly things, and packed up our 4 dogs and cockatiel to find a home in the desert. It was like a tornado hit because of how fast and final it all was. We said goodbyes and looked to the future.
